Resumé > Production Resumé

Production Experience
Assistant Stage Manager - Keigwin & Company, Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, PA (2013)
Assistant Stage Manager - Von Howard Project, The Ailey Theater, NY (2013)
Stage Manager/Light Board Operator - Dream Up Festival, Theatre for The New City, NY (2013)
Production Intern, American Dance Festival, Durham Performing Arts Center/Reynolds Theater, NC (Summer 2012-2013)
Lighting Designer - Senior Capstone Performance, Texas Christian University (2012-2013)
Light Board Operator, Fort Worth Country Day Theatre, TX (May 2013)
Follow Spot Operator, Scott Theatre, TX (April 2013)
Tech Committee Chair - Senior Capstone Performance, TCU (Fall 2012)
Organize all technical/production aspects of the performance which include:
Directed Studies in Modern Dance—Lighting Design, TCU (Spring 2012)
Dance Production Practicum, TCU (2010-2013)
Lighting Design for Dance, TCU (Spring 2011)
Dance Production, TCU (2010)
* References available upon request.
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Assistant Stage Manager - Keigwin & Company, Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, PA (2013)
- Oversee management of technical crew as well as company hospitality.
Assistant Stage Manager - Von Howard Project, The Ailey Theater, NY (2013)
- Oversee technical responsibilities during tech and show run.
Stage Manager/Light Board Operator - Dream Up Festival, Theatre for The New City, NY (2013)
- Call cues, operate light board, and oversee all tech rehearsals for Theatre for The New City's Dream Up Festival of The Diary.
Production Intern, American Dance Festival, Durham Performing Arts Center/Reynolds Theater, NC (Summer 2012-2013)
- Work on all aspects of production for 40-plus performances of the ADF season.
- Companies: Pilobolus, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Mark Morris Dance Group, Shen Wei Dance Arts, Monica Bill Barnes, Brian Brooks Moving Company, Trisha Brown Dance Company, Keigwin & Co, Brenda Angiel Aerial Dance Company etc.
- Stage Manager for the Hollins University MFA Dance Thesis Performance 2013
- Lighting Designer for Robbie Cook's Faculty Concert piece On The Way.
Lighting Designer - Senior Capstone Performance, Texas Christian University (2012-2013)
- Design lights, stage manage, coordinate sets & costuming, arrange music collaboration, and choreograph a contemporary piece for the department Senior Capstone Performance.
Light Board Operator, Fort Worth Country Day Theatre, TX (May 2013)
- Operate light board for the Gayle Corkery School of Ballet's annual dance concert.
Follow Spot Operator, Scott Theatre, TX (April 2013)
- Operate Follow Spots on principal dancers in the production of An Evening of Ballet and Pinocchio by Ballet Frontier of Texas.
Tech Committee Chair - Senior Capstone Performance, TCU (Fall 2012)
Organize all technical/production aspects of the performance which include:
- Plan tech schedule and manage crew assignments
- Oversee all activities of tech week, providing technical help for all performance requirements
- Pre-show and post-show announcements
- Oversee cleaning/organization of studios, dressing rooms, lobby & performance space
- Manage ticketing
- Collaborate with Program Committee and Promotion & Publicity Committee for the organization of entire performance.
Directed Studies in Modern Dance—Lighting Design, TCU (Spring 2012)
- Advanced practical experience in recreating lighting design for a dance work presented during ACDFA conference.
- Performance Technical Supervisor and Stage Manager for a dance work presented during the department’s AIDS Outreach Benefit Concert and at ACDFA’s Adjudicated and Gala Concerts.
Dance Production Practicum, TCU (2010-2013)
- Practical training in public performances as stage manager, light board operator, sound board operator, deck crew, load-in & strike crew, costume crew etc.
Lighting Design for Dance, TCU (Spring 2011)
- Final project include designing and calling the light cues for a dance work showcased in the department’s Senior Capstone Performance.
Dance Production, TCU (2010)
- Basic training in all aspects of dance production including set design, costume design, music editing, and lighting design.
* References available upon request.
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